Primary Strengths
Creativity and Innovation - One of Elizabeth's greatest strengths is her ability to create something new - she has a vivid imagination and sees endless possibilities.
Research and Critical Thinking - Elizabeth has a strong ability to gather information from a wide variety of sources and analyze, synthesize and draw conclusions from it. This stems from her natural curiosity and love of learning and is evidenced by her outstanding academic achievements during her seven years of Higher Education.
Communication and Public speaking - Elizabeth has high level listening, written and verbal communication skills. Described as a 'people-person,' she thrives in an environment where she can collaborate with others. Having a background in acting, teaching and lecturing, Elizabeth is well-equipped with the ability to captivate an audience and communicate clearly and effectively to small or large groups of people from diverse backgrounds.
Positive Attitude - Elizabeth has an uncanny ability to find the good in every situation and lives with the attitude that there must be a solution to every problem and the worst of situations are learning experiences. If she doesn't know something, she will find out. If she doesn't know how, she will learn from someone who does.
Primary Weaknesses
Numbers - Budgeting, taxation and accounting are not Elizabeth's strengths. There is nothing she dreads more than tax time - she hates working out the numerical data and details.
Perfectionism - Elizabeth has been known to spend far too long perfecting any given project she works on and can be obsessive about getting things exactly right.
Foreign Languages - Tragically monolingual, Elizabeth can only speak English (and even then has a tendency to invent her own lexicon). Although she did well at French at school, she could barely hold a monosyllabic conversation with a French waiter nowadays.
Emotional - Elizabeth is a very passionate person and like many creatives, can experience emotional highs and lows more intensely than most.
Personality Tendencies
According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Elizabeth identifies as an 'ENFP'.
E: Extravert (Her energy is primarily directed to and fed by people)
N: Intuitive (She sees the 'big picture' and adds meaning to what she sees; She loves new ideas and possibilities)
F: Feeling (She looks at people and specific circumstances when making decisions)
P: Perceiving (She likes to remain open to new information and options)
Computer: Proficient with operating systems Windows XP and Mac OS X
Image and Design: Basic skills in Adobe Photoshop, Picsart and SketchBook.
Web Design: Above average skills in Squarespace
Touch Typing: 67 WPM (words per minute)
Editing: Basic skills in Avid, Media 100, 16mm, Final Cut Pro and Speed Razor
Camera Operation: Above average skills with Sony D30, Sony 573, DV Cam, Bolex 16mm